martedì, Gennaio 21, 2025

Il Progetto

Il Progetto, intitolato “DIGILAND (acronimo di “DIGItal_skiLls for a sustAiNable Development of the environment, economy and social values”), intende concentrarsi sullimpatto dello sviluppo digitale sulla protezione dellambiente, sul settore economico-finanziario e sui valori sociali. Questi ambiti saranno analizzati seguendo un approccio globale e comparato, volto a comprendere e delineare la relazione tra di essi.

Il Modulo sarà articolato in attività svolte in presenza e online, attraverso la combinazione di diversi formati: lezioni e seminari in presenza e in modalità webinar; podcasts e pubblicazione del materiale didattico sul sito web dedicato, di modo che i partecipanti saranno liberi di consultarlo ogni volta che vorranno.

I corsi interessati sono quelli di Diritto dell’Unione europea e di Giustizia costituzionale comparata, del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche. Inoltre, il corso di Diritto dell’Unione europea e il corso di perfezionamento in “Diritto dell’Unione europea: tutela dei diritti”, attivati presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza del nostro Ateneo.

Il team project è così composto:

Name and function Organisation Role/tasks/professional profile and expertise
Patrizia De Pasquale  UNINA Full Professor of EU Law at the Department of Political Science of the University of Naples Federico II. She is the General Secretary of AISDUE, the Italian Association of European Union Law Scholars. Previously co-ordinator of the Jean Monnet Artificial Intelligence for European Justice (AI4EJ) Module, Project ID: 101047949, ERASMUS2027 Programme, UNINA Giuseppe Degennaro, Casamassima-Bari, she will be the project coordinator.
Fabio Ferraro


UNINA Full Professor of European Union Law at the Department of Law of the University of Naples Federico II. He is Director of the Postgraduate Course in “European Union Law: the protection of rights” at the same Department. Author of Author of numerous publications including monographs, editorships, contributions in books, commentaries, articles (also in English) on European Union law. He will be the deputy coordinator of the project.
Angela Correra UNINA Research Fellow in EU Law at the Department of Law of the University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia. She is Lecturer in EU Law and in European Internal Market Law at the same University. Her studies focus on the relationship between European and national courts and the effects of preliminary rulings by the Court of Justice.
Andrea Circolo UNINA Assistant Professor in EU Law, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Law.  He is Lecturer in EU Law and in European Judicial Cooperation in Civil Law at the same University. Currently, he is Research Fellow at the Instituto de Derecho Europeo e Integración Regional (IDEIR) – Universidad Complutense de Madrid (under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Sarmiento). His studies focus on the respect of the rule of law in the European Union.
Gabriella Duranti UNINA Confirmed Researcher in Comparative Public Law at the Department of Political Sciences – University of Naples “Federico II”, PhD in Public Law at the University of Naples “Federico II”. She is a member of the scientific committees of various cultural associations and foundations and the author of numerous publications on topics related to comparative public law and constitutional law. She teaches Comparative constitutional justice. She is also a member of the editorial board of the journal “Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo” Univ. Bocconi- Il Mulino and member of the academic staff of the Project of significant national interest (PRIN).
Carlo De Luca UNINA Employee of the technical/scientific area of ​​the Department of Political Sciences, he is responsible for communication and the creation of sites, logos and posters. Head of the Digital Cartography Laboratory of the Department for the creation of Geographic Information Systems to support research activities.


  • Dott. Raffaele Leonese – tel. 081 2534076




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